Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mom's Group...

Well, I am putting this in writing, which in and of itself is slightly terrifying for me. I am starting a "Mom's Group." The first Saturday of October is our official first meeting. I feel like God has been leading me down this path since the very first time that I found out that I was pregnant...6 pregnancies ago.

I suffered my first miscarriage in November of 2003. At this time Tyron and I were members at The Village. It seemed like I was completely surrounded by pregnant women. At this point I was so angry and hurt by the fact that some women could get and stay pregnant while I absolutely couldn't. There were many, many days and nights spent crying and yelling at my poor husband.

In our small group at this time, it seemed like everyone was pregnant. I finally got around to mentioning to our group that we had lost our baby at 12.5 weeks. After small group, one of the girls came up to me with her big ol' pregnant belly and gave me a hug. Her name is Kathleen. She and her husband had also had a miscarriage. And so my journey of female friendship begins. Kathleen was exactly what I needed even though I didn't think that I wanted to be friends with anyone at this point in time....especially not a pregnant anyone. God totally took care of me through Kathleen. She prayed with me, cried with me, empathized with me, and didn't give me any awkward consolation. She was something to me that even the husband I adore couldn't be...she was a lifeline to hope and empathy.

January 2004 rolled around and we found out that we had suffered another loss. This time it was a chemical pregnancy. Once again Kathleen was there. It was a little easier this time. I guess it's easier to apply lessons learned after having gone through things before.

March 2004 I found out I was pregnant yet again. This time I was pregnant with the little boy that can make my heart melt just by giving me a drive-by kiss. If you've read my blog before, you have seen him posted all over the place. His name is Luke, and he is the #3 man in my life (right behind Jesus and Tyron, of course). After a semi-complicated pregnancy, Luke was born at 33.5 weeks gestation on October 14, 2004. After I had Luke, I went through some pretty serious postpartum depression. My friends Stephanie and Sarah were quite literally my lifeline. Tyron was in the middle of basketball season and I was home alone all day and a lot of the night with a premature, screaming infant who didn't seem to like much of anything. I expected to come home with round, healthy, content baby that immediately loved his momma. I expected to be the near perfect momma...after all, I read every book out there about pregnancy and infant care. Talk about unreal expectations. Steph and Sarah walked with me through what is probably the darkest time of my life. I honestly don't know where I would be if God had not strategically placed them in my life.

21 months later God gave Tyron and me our precious little girl, Faith. She was the perfect baby. Never cried, slept through the night at 6 weeks, beautiful. She is still a great kid. A little mischievous, but sweet nonetheless. Once again, God surrounded me with amazing, Godly, women to walk through life with. This time with more realistic expectations and a little experience to enjoy my husband, kids, and girlfriends.

Another miscarriage and 17 weeks into another pregnancy, here I am writing to say that women NEED other women. We need women in our lives to mentor us, women to walk through the same life seasons with, and other women to grow with us in our roles and relationships as wives and mothers.

We all need encouragement and edification. I just want to facilitate that. By no means, have I come into my own as a mother, but I want to build a group of women who want to get together every week and fellowship, encourage each other, grow into our roles as mothers, study God's Word as the absolute guide book to motherhood, and minister to each other.

There is a catch. No husbands and no kids. This is a weekly mini-vacation to eat breakfast at my house, have girl time, and have God time. If you are interested, here are the details:

Where: 7837 Armor Lane, Frisco, TX 75035 (Melanie's House)
When: October 6, 2007 @ 10:00 a.m.
Study: Mom...and Loving It! by Laurie Lovejoy Hilliard and Sharon Lovejoy Autry (You can get the books here, I can get them cheaper if I get them in a larger number.)
RSVP: (972)-977-0885 (I just need to know how many people to cook for.)

If you read this entire post, I am seriously impressed. It is way longer than I intended it to be! Thanks for reading! God bless!

1 comment:

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

So proud of you! Wish I could be there. But I will be praying for you!