Sunday, August 26, 2007

An Amazing Experience

Tyron and I have recently gotten to know our neighbors Reid and Jennifer. For those of you who know us, that is a big step. We are not what you would call social butterflies; however, the Lord has really given us a heart for this couple. We have lived across the alley from them for almost a year now, and we just recently started to get to know them. When I say recently, I mean over the last 2 weeks or so.

We were so excited because we knew that God had led us into this new friendship. Through many dinners over a short amount of time and 2 weeks of going to church with us, Reid has come to know the Lord. He has been searching so hard for the Lord these past few weeks, and it has been our privilege to help shepherd him. Jennifer has known the Lord and has been such a blessing to get to know. Her heart is so genuine. It's been such a quick journey to get to today. I am so thankful that we have been able to witness the astounding growth in this sweet couple's relationship with the Lord and to have front row seats to see what the Lord is capable of. It makes me truly stand in awe of His sovereignty and power.

Tonight was our church's annual baptism celebration. Tonight we got to see 3 people baptized. One of those people was Reid. Tyron actually baptized him. It was so amazing to see. Tyron and Reid have become such close friends in such a short amount of time, and I have really gotten to know Jenn and love her as well. She is so sincere and honest. These two have really challenged us spiritually and have helped us grow in our knowledge of the Lord. It has been such a blessing to get to know them, and I can't wait to see where it's all leading. I pray that this is only the beginning of a really great friendship and that the Lord be glorified in all that we do and say. I am so thankful that the Lord sent us our precious new friends.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Day At The Park

We have been spending a lot of time outside since the weather has been a little cooler. Yesterday we went to the park and had a great time. Here are a few pictures of the kids. They are having a great time even though they are squinting. They like to swing facing the playground to watch other kids just also happens to be facing the sun.

Not So Smooth Sailing

Well, I always knew that Faith had a bit of a rebellious spirit, but I didn't know that she is also an escape artist. What started out as a smooth transition into the big bed has officially turned into chaos. Yesterday she got 5 spankings (yes, we spank....) for getting out of bed...during NAP TIME ALONE. We tried to barricade her in with a bed rail and pillows. We thought that we were being soooooooooo smart. Faith figured out that she can fit between the rungs of the ladder going up to the top bunk. We fixed that. She figured out that she can fit between the rails at the foot of the bed. We are out of ideas, so we are just going to discipline, discipline, discipline. Eventually she'll get the idea! My friend Sharon Autry (who also happens to be a phenomenal mom and author) wrote a song called, "Jungle Baby" and I think that Faith fits the bill. Little monkey. If she wasn't so stinking cute, I might have to drop her off at the zoo! :-)

Lord, if you could give me supernatural, divine inspired patience right about now, that would be really helpful. Help me know my kid's hearts and what makes them tick. Give me a creative mind to teach my creative children. Thank you for giving me all the wonderful responsibility that encompasses having children. What a real blessing they are. I know that you have created my kid's inmost being and know them intimately. Teach me about my kids! Please. Amen!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bubba and Sister...In the Same Room!!!

Okay, so I know that some of you will think that we are crazy, but we have officially moved Faith into Luke's room. He has bunk beds and is sleeping on the top bunk. What a big boy! He thinks it's pretty fun stuff. Faith has adjusted to sleeping in the bottom bunk pretty easily. Her first nap in the big bed was a little tough since she didn't the music from her electronic mobile to wind down to, but other than the first nap, it's been smooth sailing! So they are loving being in the same room. The spend a ton of time in their room playing. It's really fun to watch. So, now the challenge is finding girl's bedding to go on the bottom bunk that is mostly red. I don't want to repaint. NO WAY - NO HOW. There's not much out there believe it or not...

We have 2 big kids now. Sleeping in the same room. On bunk beds. Can you believe it? I can't. So fun!

Sweet Little Man

Luke is getting so big! We are so proud of him because he is getting much better at sharing and loving on his little sister. He can count to 15, recognized about 5 letters and knows their sounds, knows every color that exists, and knows every shape - even decagon. He's so smart! Of course the first picture shows his first true love - basketball! He can officially make baskets on a 10 foot hoop when he uses the little basketball in the picture.

Look At All This Hair!!!

Faith's not having the best hair day ever, but as you can see by the pictures, I think that you can tell just how much hair she has! I think that it has doubled in the past month.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Lee Family Reunion

Aaron, Erica, Kyler, Kat, Kristin, and Katie

Luke, Erica, Tyron, and Faith

Kristin and Luke

Kevin, MaKayla, and Kara
Faith, Tyron, Aunt Johnette, Gammy

We went to San Antonio for the 4th of July this year. All the Lee clan was there. We had a great time! Thanks Keith and Johnette!

Ten Things My Kids Have Taught Me

1. A entire double roll of toilet paper can be unrolled in 2.3 seconds flat.
2. A ball doesn't have to be a can be your baby sister's _________ . (You fill in the blank with whatever you can imagine a baby girl having, and it has been turned into a ball at some point in our house.)
3. Kids don't have to be given expensive things to play with when you have dog toys in the house.
4. Dog food makes an excellent snack. (Faith thinks so anyway....yuck! We've learned to keep the laundry room door shut.)
5. Being obedient can be completely subjective. For example, if I tell Luke to put something down, he lowers it instead of laying it on the floor.
6. You don't have to go to the pool to go swimming as long as you have a garden tub...mine has jets so you can even turn it into a hot tub!
7. Who said a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down? Now there is enough sugar in a dose of medicine to make my daughter hyper for at least an hour!
8. Every drawer in a dresser can be completely unpacked in the time it takes a toddler to go to the bathroom ~ 1 minute.
9. Some things never get spraying the dog with the water hose.
10. There is nothing like watching your kids love on each other. They hold hands everywhere they go.

Friday, August 3, 2007

10.5 weeks and counting!

Okay, so I am brave enough to post pictures of my big ol' belly. No kidding...I am getting big already. I don't want to even think about what I will look like in 6 more months. Yikes. So, here I am in all my pregnant glory. No jokes please...remember, I am in a delicate condition. Afterall, if you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all! :-) That's what my mom used to say anyway.

Adventures in Lee Land

So life is never dull in Lee Land. Yes, Lee Land, is my home. My wonderful husband happened to be being super helpful by putting some things up in the attic for me. Being pregnant seems to officially brand someone as unable/restricted from ladders, high places, etc. Thankfully, I was obedient to my sweet husband's request to let him go up and put the stuff in the attic. I was inside with Luke and Faith and I hear several really loud thumps. Well, they weren't really so much thumps...more like the unmistakable sounds of a really huge man falling from a relatively high place onto a car and then onto the garage floor. Being the sweet wife I am, I rush outside to see if my husband is truly splattered on the floor when I find him laying there holding his ribs and laughing hysterically. I then start laughing hysterically. Then the dust settled and the damage surveyed.

Here is the official tally of damage:

6 huge bruises to the lower body

4 badly bruised/cracked ribs (We'll never know since the man won't go to the doctor.)

Many scrapes/abrasions

2 completely dilapidated and busted pieces of sheet rock

2 small (thankfully) dents on the top of our Accord

Dust covering everything that was in a 100 ft. radius of the site of the accident.

Enjoy the really could have been much worse.


If you find yourself "tagged" like me, here are the rules you must follow...

The Meme Rules:1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here are only some of my habits...

Habit #1: I bite my nails....yuck. I know it's gross, but when I get stressed out I just can't help myself. I have tried everything to stop biting my nails, but nothing has worked.

Habit #2: When I get Faith dressed, her outfit, hair accessories, and her pacifier have to match perfectly.

Habit #3: I have a mild obsession with my eyebrows. (April, I totally understand - I get mine done every month too!) There is just something about well kept eyebrows that can change the way your face looks....

Habit #4: I floss my teeth all the time. Maybe more than once in a day. I might actually be a little OCD about this.

Habit #5: I can't deal with germs. I can handle a mess, but if it looks like it might be germ infested no effort will be spared in the eradication of the said germs. Grocery carts, public bathrooms, play areas, floors that I don't personally clean - all areas where I think you should wear a HazMat suit.

Habit #6: I can't sleep unless I sleep on my memory foam pillow. If I don't sleep, neither does Tyron, so we both make sure that when we go on a trip that my pillow makes the trip and then makes it back home.

Habit #7: I won't kill a bug unless it is a roach. They are just nasty. If a bug makes it into my house, I will catch it and put it outside.

Habit #8: The toilet paper has to be put on the roll where it rolls off the top instead of the bottom. I will even change it at other people's houses. It drives me crazy!!!

I think that everyone has been tagged...except for Allie. Allie you are tagged!