Monday, April 14, 2008

Our New Title

If you know how to read, then you have probably noticed that I have changed our blog title. The "Lee Family Chronicles" was supposed to be way more temporary that it was. I just couldn't come up with a permanent name on short notice. You know, because blog titles are supposed to "say something about you." Hence, the new title. We are truly a Jesus lovin' family. We truly seek to please and honor Him in the way we live our lives. Our hope as a family lies only in Him. We are a family huggin' people because, well, our family is just so hugable. Lastly, we are a baby havin' family because we have 3 kids under the age of 4. Yikes! Our kids sound so much closer when you say it like that. Our kids are each exactly 21 months apart. There...that sounds better. And yes, Hannah is our last baby, so that part of our description is likely to change over time. Well, I hope that our new title "says something about us." This really is our "Happi-Lee Ever After." We love our life! Enjoy...

1 comment:

77apronstrings said... guys are the best. I just love you!