Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayer for Our New President

As I am sure that everyone knows, today our country gets a brand new president. I know that to a lot of people this seems a little scary for some reason or another. To others, it's a relief. To both I want to encourage you to pray for the new leadership of this country. Pray for wisdom, strength, intelligence, and many other things. I would also encourage you to pray that God would overwhelm Obama's heart with an overpowering urge to love and serve the one true God. Pray for our country and our economy. I am sure that there are very few people out there that haven't been touched by the economic downturn in our country.

Please pray for our government and it's leaders no matter what your political conventions are. Pray in hopeful expectation that the LORD can and will do amazing things. Lastly, pray a prayer of thanksgiving because our God is sovereign and has ordained each and every event that will map out our future.

God bless America! God bless our new president and his family.

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