Sunday, August 19, 2007

Not So Smooth Sailing

Well, I always knew that Faith had a bit of a rebellious spirit, but I didn't know that she is also an escape artist. What started out as a smooth transition into the big bed has officially turned into chaos. Yesterday she got 5 spankings (yes, we spank....) for getting out of bed...during NAP TIME ALONE. We tried to barricade her in with a bed rail and pillows. We thought that we were being soooooooooo smart. Faith figured out that she can fit between the rungs of the ladder going up to the top bunk. We fixed that. She figured out that she can fit between the rails at the foot of the bed. We are out of ideas, so we are just going to discipline, discipline, discipline. Eventually she'll get the idea! My friend Sharon Autry (who also happens to be a phenomenal mom and author) wrote a song called, "Jungle Baby" and I think that Faith fits the bill. Little monkey. If she wasn't so stinking cute, I might have to drop her off at the zoo! :-)

Lord, if you could give me supernatural, divine inspired patience right about now, that would be really helpful. Help me know my kid's hearts and what makes them tick. Give me a creative mind to teach my creative children. Thank you for giving me all the wonderful responsibility that encompasses having children. What a real blessing they are. I know that you have created my kid's inmost being and know them intimately. Teach me about my kids! Please. Amen!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

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