Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bubba and Sister...In the Same Room!!!

Okay, so I know that some of you will think that we are crazy, but we have officially moved Faith into Luke's room. He has bunk beds and is sleeping on the top bunk. What a big boy! He thinks it's pretty fun stuff. Faith has adjusted to sleeping in the bottom bunk pretty easily. Her first nap in the big bed was a little tough since she didn't the music from her electronic mobile to wind down to, but other than the first nap, it's been smooth sailing! So they are loving being in the same room. The spend a ton of time in their room playing. It's really fun to watch. So, now the challenge is finding girl's bedding to go on the bottom bunk that is mostly red. I don't want to repaint. NO WAY - NO HOW. There's not much out there believe it or not...

We have 2 big kids now. Sleeping in the same room. On bunk beds. Can you believe it? I can't. So fun!

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