Sunday, April 26, 2009

Me and My Homies

This weekend my besties and I went to downtown Dallas and stayed at the Magnolia Hotel. It was so much fun. The hotel was great (free happy hour, milk and cookie reception, jacuzzi, and other various amenities), the food was good (particularly Mia's), and the company was the best. We got mani/pedi's, played pool at the hotel, talked and talked and talked, people watched, and slept very little! I didn't take near as many pictures as I thought I would because I was too busy having fun. Here are the few pictures that we took yesterday! Thank you Dallas for showing us such a good time! We are doing this again next year!
My Besties.

L-R: Kara, Lori, Brittany, Betsey, and Rachel - My Homies.

Rachel standing with the Lamborgenhi at the hotel. Seriously, how sexy is her face and hair blowing in the wind?

Brittany, Me, and Lori getting our pedicures.

Lori literally kept us laughing the whole time. So much FUN!

Rachel giving the beauty queen wave while getting a pedicure.

Betsey and Lori getting their manicures.

Going to Starbucks.

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