Monday, July 16, 2007

UGH! Only 7 weeks....

Okay, I went to the OB today for my first prenatal visit. We got to have a sonogram and see the baby for the first time. First of all, thank God there is only one. Second, thank God that the baby is doing well. Third, UGH...I am only 7 weeks pregnant! Does 7 weeks even count as being pregnant? This is shocking because my dates had me at 11 weeks, but apparently I skipped a period AND ovulated late on top of skipping! (I guess that explains how I got pregnant in the first place doesn't it! Counting days is not an exact science...I have 2 kids that prove that! :-) )

Anyway, my official due date is March 2, 2008. Please pray that this baby comes before February 28th since I will totally be the person that has their baby on February 29th. Yes, 2008 is a leap year. I know that is a retarded prayer request, but how confusing would that be to explain to your child that they only have a "real birthday" every 7 years? I am just weird about dates anyway.

So, all that to say that everything is going well...unless you count the puking. Hopefully that will be over sooner rather than later. Until next time, have a blessed day.

1 comment:

April Williams said...

don't will go by so much faster than you can believe...esp being your third! so exciting.