Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hannah's 6 1/2 Month Stats

Hannah is already 6 months old! We went in yesterday for her 6 month "well baby visit." Unfortunately she wasn't exactly "well." Hannah has been battling a cold for a week or so, and she ended up with an ear infection from it. Poor little thing! Nothing a little amoxicillin can't fix! I am sure that you can tell in the pictures that she isn't feeling well even though she is smiling. Cute!

Here are her stats at 6 1/2 months old:
  • Height: 27.5 inches --> 92%

  • Weight: 16.04 lbs. --> 30%

  • Head Circumference: 16.5 inches --> 25%

As you can see, she is growing like a weed! She is sitting up independently, eating oatmeal and baby food, saying ma ma ma and ba ba ba, gets up on hands and knees from stomach and rocks (I am sure that she will be crawling pretty soon!), and is a very sweet and happy baby. I am really enjoying her.

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