Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yes Ma'am!

We had just gotten home from the gym, and I was fixing lunch while Luke and Faith were playing in the living room. This is their conversation pretty much verbatim:

Faith: "Wuke, please sit down."
Luke: "Yes Ma'am." (Sits compliantly.)
Faith: "Wuke, don't touch the t.v. Yes ma'am?
Luke: "Yes ma'am." (Side note: He was nowhere even close to the t.v. in the first place.)
Faith: "Wuke, I'm hungry. Wuke hungry too?"
Luke: "Yep."
Faith: "No, you say 'yes ma'am.'"
Luke: "You aren't the boss. Mom is the boss!"
Smart little boy!

1 comment:

77apronstrings said...

HA! They're so funny at this age. I love the non-filtered stage of life. I wonder if I could incorporate some of that into my daily life...