Monday, September 15, 2008

My Heart Is At Home!

I became a mom on October 14, 2004. My son Luke was born that day, and man did I have a shock coming to me! Up until my son was born, I was a successful college grad who had a great job and a fulfilling life. (So I thought...) My husband and I had decided that I would stay home once we had kids. Seriously how hard could it be? I thought that I was ready for all the stuff a 5 pound baby could throw my way. Here's a little picture of my little man:

Luke: 3 1/2 weeks old.

I quickly found out how hard it is to truly die to myself each and every day. Luke was colicky and didn't sleep (except in this picture), and I found myself sliding into a terrible bout of postpartum depression. Everything about me was being completely redefined, and I felt totally out of control of my life. I had now idea how to deal with all the changes that were taking places in life and in my soul. Fortunately, God put some pretty amazing women in my life.

I am fortunate enough to have friends that are also SAHM's. They really rallied around me to help me find the new me. They served me by relating to me and praying for me. They supported me right through the transition into motherhood. I truly feel that they saved my life. God used them to soften my heart towards my baby and my sweet husband. The Lord changed a part of me that was selfish and wicked...a process that has continues this very day.

I quickly realized how important it is to have a coop of other moms to really live life with. Moms need other moms! When Luke was about a year old I found "Hearts At Home." Hearts At Home is a ministry that helps you connect with other moms and offers moms encouragement and education. I was really looking for an umbrella organization that shared my heart. Having gone through such a hard transition into motherhood, I really felt the need to walk with other women in faith and motherhood. Hearts At Home is where I started and where I still am. If you are interested in learning more about "Hearts At Home" just click HERE or on the Hearts At Home logo on the top of the post!

This is our little man today:

Question of the Day: If you could give a first time mom any piece of advice, what you say?

Don't forget to leave a comment!!


Andy said...

I've really enjoyed reading this. You are a prec
ious friend and a wonderful mom!

My advice to a new mom would be to try and remember that the days are long but the years are short!


The Laws Family said...

My advice to a new mom is: Don't be afraid to ask for help.


KatBouska said...

I would say to follow your instincts and just do the best you can. It's. Not. Easy.